That’s what @ nikkikell said in the comment of his music video of “The Way You Make Me Feel” in Youtube. And I can’t agree more.
If anyone just do the things Micheal does in this video he’d be charge for harassment. But let’s admit it, most girl (and gays) would love to receive this kind of harassment from MJ. 😂
Cicco Lady
hey hey hey 🙂
Jessica E. Larsen
Hello Ilona! Welcome back 🙂
Mathew | Blog of the Wolf Boy
I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award Jess, whenever you’re back.❤
Jessica E. Larsen
Thanks 🙂
Hehehe. Thank you for sharing this, Jess. Have a great week!
Jessica E. Larsen
Wish you the same thing Weng <3
Thank you, Jess! ❤️
Simon Nisha
Hey Jessica✨ This is one of my Fav MJ video lists. Every TG girl or gays would love the way he behaved. Maybe the video look stupid. But Isnt it lovely🥰 Thanks for posting this video ☺️
Jessica E. Larsen
Yes. It’s fun to watch despite how stupid it seems haha 😀
I really don’t know if it’s funny but he has a point actually 🙂 it was some stupid video anyway!
Jessica E. Larsen
You and my husband has a way too much similar words to say. Are you sure you’re not related? Maybe your grandfather is half-Norwegian? Because that gives you the right to live in Norway, no need to destroy your passport 😁
To be honest, the video is a bit stupid but at the same time, I find it fun to watch.
🧳 🧳🧳🧳 me packing and coming to Norway to search for my roots 😂😂😂😂😂 Oh I wish I have any finger from Norway 😂
And my condolences even if you don’t want us to comment! Sorry for your loss ❤️
Jessica E. Larsen
Yeah, I’ll ask my husband to help you check 😂😂😂
It’s not that I don’t anyone to comment. It’s just that I don’t want anyone who just accidentally to stumble on my blog to say condolence without knowing me even just a bit. I was too hurt to face casual sympathy. But I know you’ll say it somehow.
Thanks Hug. ❤️
You’re a blogger Jess and if you blog about it then people will comment and you can’t control who is honest and who is not and so…Only few will truly feel what you feel and this is so normal and this is life anyway, I wish you are better anyway and know that this is life and we take nothing except our good deeds and I’m sure she left footprints in your heart so her body is probably gone but not all these things…<3
Jessica E. Larsen
Great words… thanks Hug <3
My pleasure 😊❤️
Wow! No comment! 🙂
Have a wonderful week dear Jess! 🙂
Jessica E. Larsen
Thanks Ribby 🙂