• Just Like Heaven

    just like heaven movie review

    Love will bring you back. The power of love is strong in this movie folks. Seriously my stomach hurts from laughing but my heart is warm. Summary: Elizabeth Masterson, a…

  • Live like hell

    Nanowrimo 2020

    I search my name today. Admit it, I bet you did it too, at least once? Nothing new comes up but I encountered a quote I’ve written for I don’t…

  • In Another Time Teaser

    It’s been one week since National Writing Month started. It’s fun, but I’m also feeling the heat. Damn hard to manage my blog, deal with an attention-craving four-year-old, daily stress…

  • Regrets

    Time heals, they say. It’s true, but some pain leaves a huge scar that hurts each time I see it. I’ve done so many things I regret in my life,…

  • Here comes the pain again

    I pride myself on not being dependent on the internet. I can live without my phone for a month as long it’s my decision. But the other night right after…

  • A great day

    Time goes by quickly. It’s amazing to think that it’s been four years since I first held his little body in my arms… Orion is your name A treasure like…

  • Starting with “In Another Time”

    As I mentioned in my November 1 post, I’m joining NaNoWriMo challenge. This year I’ll be writing a time travel story. They said that there’s a bigger chance to reach…

  • In my heart, Always

    In my heart, Always

    November 1 is “Araw ng mga patay” Filipino which means “The day of the dead.” So I’ll dedicate this post for the one important person, I can’t forget… Back in…

  • Cuddles are treats

    It’s late autumn againWinter is coming closerAnd Orion is in the sky againWinking and flirting  I can feel the chilly airConstantly nearBut this is great Because cuddles are treats Copyright ©…

  • Stuck in between

    I’ve always been a pantser ever since I started writing stories back in 2012. After all, I never plan anything when I write poems, I just write and that’s it.…

  • Ok kid, you got the job

    You know that a movie will turn out great when an audition alone is enough to give you heartburn. – me 😉 I first time I watched E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial…