If you could go back in time what will you do?
Me? I return to the time when my grandpa was alive and give him a big hug. Tell him he’s the best and I will never ever forget him, then…
New Beginnings
So here I am, on a new journey of my writing. I’ve been more active again with blogging after years of wandering around without direction, sadly, my writing is still…
Let music speak
One of my most favorite way to relax is listening to instrumental music. No vocals, no singing, just instruments. Sometimes words are not needed to hear the music speaks to…
When in France
Véritable andouillette… sounds nice? If you ever encounter this in any French menu, I suggest you to stay away from it, unless you know what it means or what this…
I lived!
Okay maybe I’m exaggerating, but Mushu’s first line in Mulan was the first thing that popped in my head when I thought of what title to give this post. I…
Looking Back
This may not be the most romantic post for valentines, but I want to talk about The Gambler by Kenny Rogers. This song was released in 1979. Five years before…
Valentines is for romance
It’s only four days to Valentines. And for most people who are staying at home, either having a candlelight dinner or fun family celebration, when the night sinks in it’s…
Cinderella Story
Sometimes I wonder if I have a split personality. Out of all fairytale stories I read when I was growing up I hated Cinderella the most. Why? Well because I…
It’s a question of perspective
A friend stepped inside the house. My husband asked him, “How’s the weather?” Our friend replied, “Snow is filling up. It’s plain evil.” My husband stepped out to clean the…
The Sauvage Domicile
When 2019 started I promised myself to read one book a month and The Sauvage Domicile is not the book I was planning to read in January but the moment…
Hi February
It’s that month again! The start of the romantic month, exciting for hoping singles and happy couples, and additional reason to be depress for lonely people. I’m somewhat somewhere in…
The Vicar of Nibbleswicke
I love quite a lot of Roald Dahl’s book. My most favorite is Matilda and his first biography book Boy: tales of childhood (not the illustrated version). But this latest…