• Unbreakable

    I may seem like an easy target But don't try me. I'm been trampled, beaten, broken. I survived. You can't break me.

  • Embarrassing Experience

    Watching Barbie with my husband is probably the most embarrassing thing I ever experience. When I was younger, I rejected anything girly, including Barbie. I refused to play with her,…

  • The world is unfair

    Even though his motto was: "It's better to be feared than to be love," he loved that love. When people acknowledge him, and give him attention... He loved that..."

  • Loneliness

    I’ve been really down lately. I came across a tragic story this year after watching an old music video that captured my heart. Last month I got interested to know…

  • Ha! Take that.

    In my drowsy state inspiration always visit Come back tomorrow I muttered and sleep I woke the next day I sit down to write and damn...

  • Hay Buhay

    Have you ever felt so attracted to one person so much you have no idea what to do with yourself?This was an experience I had back when I started having…

  • The beauty we see

    'm supposed to post something else today, but I'm running out of idea and been lack of sleep the last weeks. So here's a micro fiction inspired by this picture...

  • Too Much

    I hate it when we fight It’s too painful to cry...

  • The Here and Now

    “It’s easier to be a leader than being in charge. ” nice! This beautiful cover and the blurb hooked me the moment I laid my eyes on it. Much like…

  • Karma

    Cheer up. It's only a few more days til Friday. Here's something to make you smile.