Wordless Wednesday: Palm Trees
I may seem like an easy target But don't try me. I'm been trampled, beaten, broken. I survived. You can't break me.
Embarrassing Experience
Watching Barbie with my husband is probably the most embarrassing thing I ever experience. When I was younger, I rejected anything girly, including Barbie. I refused to play with her,…
The world is unfair
Even though his motto was: "It's better to be feared than to be love," he loved that love. When people acknowledge him, and give him attention... He loved that..."
I’ve been really down lately. I came across a tragic story this year after watching an old music video that captured my heart. Last month I got interested to know…
Ha! Take that.
In my drowsy state inspiration always visit Come back tomorrow I muttered and sleep I woke the next day I sit down to write and damn...
Hay Buhay
Have you ever felt so attracted to one person so much you have no idea what to do with yourself?This was an experience I had back when I started having…
She (A poem for a woman celebrating her 99 years today! 🎊🎉)
Note: April 1 is special for us. Yes, it's April fools day. That's why she always said no one believes her when she says "today is my birthday"...
The beauty we see
'm supposed to post something else today, but I'm running out of idea and been lack of sleep the last weeks. So here's a micro fiction inspired by this picture...
Too Much
I hate it when we fight It’s too painful to cry...
The Here and Now
“It’s easier to be a leader than being in charge. ” nice! This beautiful cover and the blurb hooked me the moment I laid my eyes on it. Much like…
Cheer up. It's only a few more days til Friday. Here's something to make you smile.