“Candid Shot”
Childish hairstyle? Well, if it makes me younger than 28, why not? 😜
Silent Tears
I never felt my heart tore apart by a book as much as now. Silent Tears was a well-written book but I couldn’t bring myself to read more than chapter…
Me to you [repost]
I no longer see anything because something just filled me inside I can’t think of anything elseOther than your voice in my mind Love me or let me go, you saidI…
What strange milestone
I missed the posting window for my previous milestones, 50 followers, 100 followers, 10, 20, 50, 100, 1000 likes. So I was kind of waiting for what kind of milestone…
Lying is an art
I hate how I’m easily distracted. Sometimes when I’m searching for material for my #WIP (work-in-progress) I end all over the nett far from where I started. Today, I was…
Wordless Wednesday
I want to experience to fly, Just like a bird in the sky. I want to feel the wind in my wings, Feel the moving air on my skin. Impossible…
Stop reading what you hate!
I LOVE READING BOOKS! I will be blogging a lot of book reviews and bookish stuff if I let myself go crazy, but I know that this will also drive…
No Title 😜
A break truly does wonders. I think blogging, by and large, is basically therapy. And I’m sure, and I know, that there are some terrific bloggers and some legitimate bloggers.…
I need a break or I’ll break
Hey guys! You might have noticed that I’m a bit inactive the last days (or weeks? I’m not sure myself). I’ve been out of it and seem to be on…
Loving it without knowing
These songs are my favorite since my childhood. But it wasn’t until the end of May 2019 (yes, last week) that I found out that these songs are originally written…
Sweet Sunday
“No one on earth will have the same exact feelings as you! So just write what you feel and you’ll always be unique!” – Huguette