They thought I got Corona virus!
Wednesday morning. Very early, 5am, I prepared to go out with my family. We will board a ferry to cross a Norwegian fjord and take a bus to our destination.…
Angel With A Shotgun
They say before you start a war, you better know what you’re fighting for. I never played Final Fantasy, but gosh, I’m addicted to the beauty of the artwork. Angel…
Hell. Period
Oh my goshIt’s that time of monthMoment you waited forWhen you were a teen Then here comes all the painIt comes from somewhere withinAs you drip like a broken tapYou…
Micro Moments: Still the One (Nothing is everything #4)
Click here for Nothing is Everything #3 or ‘Nothing is Everything #1‘ to read from the start Time heals all sore as they say. It’s true. Now she no longer…
Wish me luck!
Monday… ugh 😔… yeah, yours truly isn’t very motivating today. In fact, no Monday music yesterday because I’m too blue. Life sucks. I have made no progress with the book…
Micro Moments: Someone else Flower (Nothing is everything #3)
Click here for Nothing is Everything #2 or ‘Nothing is Everything #1‘ to read from the start For a broken man who knew nothing but darkness, she was like the…
Wednesday Writing
If photographer, picture artist…okay let’s include everyone (myself occasionally) have wordless Wednesday, I’m going to use Wednesday for my writing. AKA: Shameless promotion 😅 YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! Okay let’s get…
Me after catching up to all the post I wanted to read
Happy Monday!
Love Hurts
If you don’t want to love because it might hurt, or always wonder how to love without getting hurt, then the most honest answer is that there’s no way to…
Blogging is dead
The words “blogging is dead” hit me after reading Accidental Blogger‘s post about missing his old blogging friends. It’s a word I’ve read in an article years ago. As I…
Micro Moments: Almost Love (Nothing is Everything #2)
Click here for ‘Nothing is Everything #1’ We talked, we laugh, we shared moments that no one notice. Every word has meaning even those that sounded innocent. The things we…
Music Inspired: You win again (Inspired)
This text: Oh girl, oh girl, oh baby I shake you from now onI’m gonna break down your defensesOne by oneI’m gonna hit you from all sidesLay your fortress open…