• Wish me luck!

    Monday… ugh 😔… yeah, yours truly isn’t very motivating today. In fact, no Monday music yesterday because I’m too blue. Life sucks. I have made no progress with the book…

  • Wednesday Writing

    If photographer, picture artist…okay let’s include everyone (myself occasionally) have wordless Wednesday, I’m going to use Wednesday for my writing. AKA: Shameless promotion 😅 YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! Okay let’s get…

  • Love Hurts

    If you don’t want to love because it might hurt, or always wonder how to love without getting hurt, then the most honest answer is that there’s no way to…

  • Blogging is dead

    The words “blogging is dead” hit me after reading Accidental Blogger‘s post about missing his old blogging friends. It’s a word I’ve read in an article years ago. As I…

  • A “very” short post

    I’ve recently been suck into the vortex of social media *cough* Instagram and lost my sight of blogging. The thought of blogging feels heavy and tedious, but all it takes…

  • Should I change name?

    This pain in the ass question has been playing around in my head for more than a year. I’ve hit rock bottom this week that I ended up making a…

  • Rickrolled?

    What a funny term. Never heard of this word or Rick Astley but hey, I love it. To be honest, I knew his songs, just the song, not the singer,…