
News and goodbye

I love blogging. It’s the first social media I fell in love with. But I can’t keep blogging regularly anymore. I will occasionally still drop by and read blogs, only at a minimum. For those who observed it, I haven’t been here for more than a month and the thought of leaving for good is heavy on my chest. Staying, however, seemed even more like a burden. Maybe once all these lockdowns are over and the big problems I’m facing are over, then I fully return.

But at the moment, I’ll be sticking to micro-blogging. In Instagram, Youtube, and Scribble Hub all under Jessie Winterspring.

Yep. I’m keeping this blog, but I’m also changing my writing name.

So long guys, it has been nice knowing you and chatting with you. I hope you’ll still be around when I return. To my favorite blogs, it will be slow, but I will catch up to your post. Fiction, poems, or nonfictions.

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Jessica / Jessie Winterspring is a time travel romance fanatic who loves writing fiction about ordinary people with extraordinary experiences. She blogs music inspired stories, poems, micro-fictions, moments in life. She enjoy spending time outdoors, adore animals and traveling with her family. She like anything unusual and fun. CLICK HERE to read more about her or CLICK HERE to view her books


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