Love Don’t Cost a Thing
Love Don’t Cost a Thing by Jennifer Lopez is one of my most favorite. Not only for the lyrics but also because the music video rock! I love how she tossed everything to demonstrate the lyrics but after reading this comment:
They cut my part out of the video! I was the one behind her collecting all the stuff she was throwing away!
😂😂 I guess it’s funny imagining someone collecting all these valuable things! the song is nice, it was a hit years ago but for me I don’t believe many women are like that! She will keep the money and search for love 🙂 Sorry but this is what actually happen, I didn’t see a woman fall for a broke man, and if she does, she will want more after some time, so I believe J Lo wasn’t so credible 🙂 but nice and funny share though 😀
Jessica E. Larsen
Yeah, realistically speaking, only few women will chose a broke man. But as the lyrics go, it seems she can get what she needed without the man. I do sympathize because it’s good to have all the luxurious stuff but if the person you want isn’t there, then what’s the point.
But again I agree. If I was her in the song, I’ll keep everything as payment for all the heartaches haha 😀
hahah yes indeed! And I agree money without love means nothing and still they are choosing money + cheating :/
Jessica E. Larsen
Personally, if they’re capable of choosing money and even cheat, then it’s not true love.
And who mentioned love here? Or anywhere else? Most people don’t care about love kiddo 😁
Jessica E. Larsen
Huhuhu 😭 I want to migrate to love country!
Sorry the place your are seeking is not available 🙄 it’s not about a place, the challenge is to find a brave and loving heart and they are so few!
Jessica E. Larsen
I hate it when you’re right 😞 😥 🤧
This is amazing.
I am laughing after reading your comment on that stuff.
Thanks for sharing.
Jessica E. Larsen
Haha 😀 Thanks. Glad you liked it 🙂
Hope you would like to read this one.
Do share your thought on this.
Good morning.
Yeah that’s amazing.
Thanks again for sharing.
Oh shit 🙊 I had never thought about the picking up of stuff part 😂😂 Good old times’ music
Jessica E. Larsen
It’s hard to think that the younger generation considers this song oldies now haha 😀 It doesn’t seem that long to me.
They are dead wrong.. Oldskool sounds better. What do they then call songs of Abba? Ancients? 😛😋😅😂😂
Jessica E. Larsen
Haha I agree. But seriously there’s this Youtube series How Kids react (insert oldies name like Abba) and they seems to know nothing. Their reactions annoy me most of the time so I try to avoid watching the series.
Hahaha! What a funny sight. I love JLo’s music.
Jessica E. Larsen
Yes, sometimes commenter can surprise you and give you sudden burst of laughing 🙂
Good song
Simon Nisha
😂😂😂Tat was funny, post watching the video.. it is even more 😂😂😂