Hello New Year, restart and restore
We’re in the year and right now, I really feel that either I’m thinking too hard or nothing at all because it hurts to think of anything. How’s your first day of the year?
I plan to return to blogging (again) but I will take it slow. I won’t post every day (or every second. This is reserved for Instagram.) I might post every second week, but I will try to actively read blogs a little every, because, sigh, I miss the blogosphere community.
Jim Borden
Happy New Year – good to see you back!
Jessica E. Larsen
Thank Jim! I miss blogging. I’m curious if your still calculating your stats haha 😄 Happy New Year 🥳
Jim Borden
I still write about my stats; in fact, two of my posts in the past few days have been about stats 🙂
Jessica E. Larsen
Happy New Year. The one good thing about all the restrictions is that they leave plenty of time for writing. Best wishes to you and to your family.
Jessica E. Larsen
That’s true ❤️ Thank you and Happy new year as well.
Dracul Van Helsing
Happy New Year, Jessie. 🙂
Jessica E. Larsen
Thanks Chris. I look forward in reading here again. Happy new year too 🥰
Tushara Olivia
Its good to give a pause for thoughts Jenny. Do great with your work, enjoy every moment. Could relate your situation more. Same here too.
Jessica E. Larsen
Thank you so much Tushara. Let’s hope this year will be much better than the last. 😃