Moments in time,  musing

He loves me, he loves me not

I woke up with my son giving me chamomile which grow outside our cabin. So I got to take a picture with it right away. (Hence the messy hair and puffy eyes. I haven’t even wash my face yet 😂) This brought back some silly memories of the past.

Did anyone else pluck an innocent daisy flower (chamomile or this flower family) to get an answer if the person you’re crushing on feels the same?

The poor flower suffers from people’s craziness. Sigh. And one of those people happens to be me.

Yep. That’s right. I’m daisy-plucking-crazy-teen-girl.

Every time I had a crush back in my school days, I have a habit of guessing if my crush likes me back by pulling the nearest daisy or similar flowers. And when it ends badly, I’ll take another and another until the result is the way I want it. Sometimes ending up with all the petals on the ground and no more flowers to pluck by the time I make my escape.

Looking back, I can only laugh and wonder what the hell was the point?

Poor flowers.

How about you? Any teenage habit every time you get a crush?

Jessica / Jessie Winterspring is a time travel romance fanatic who loves writing fiction about ordinary people with extraordinary experiences. She blogs music inspired stories, poems, micro-fictions, moments in life. She enjoy spending time outdoors, adore animals and traveling with her family. She like anything unusual and fun. CLICK HERE to read more about her or CLICK HERE to view her books


    • Jessica E. Larsen

      Really? Well, I have seen pretty wild hairstyles in catwalks 😄
      But thanks Nour. I guess I’m lucky to get a pretty stubborn hair. It refuse anything but be straight. Unless necessary I don’t comb even after shower, but this style also mean I can barely do anything else. When I curl my hair, I’m feel lucky if stays for 2 hours before going straight again.

      • Nour R.

        Wow. I can’t brush my hair unless I shower and even then it’s hell. It gets tangled really quickly :c even when I straighten it…it doesn’t stay for a whole day 😂

        • Jessica E. Larsen

          We got the opposite problem. When I want to fix myself I don’t want it straight 😂
          I don’t know if your hair is curly but I always find hair that isn’t straight more beautiful than mine 😄

  • popsiclesociety

    Hahahaha, first of all I wish my hair could be like yours when I wake up 🤪 Is just perfect 😍
    Second, your son is way too sweet 😍 He found a wonderful way to wake you up 🌸
    And finally, yes, I used to do the same…hahaha…silly teenage girls and poor flowers 🤪🌸

    • Jessica E. Larsen

      Stubborn asian hair that refuse anything. It only wants to stay straight even when I curl it. But thanks Ribby 😍
      Haha yeah, Orion often surprise me with little things. Although, he’s sometimes killing the flowers with kindness. He waters them right after the rain because they’re thirsty 😄🥺😂
      When we were teens we were desperate for any hope even a false promise of a flower 😂

      • popsiclesociety

        Believe me that after more than 7 years living in Singapore I envy the straight hair 🤪
        Mine is not straight, is also not curly, just a little bit and with this humidity is always frizzy 🤪🤪 so for me every day is a bad hair day 🤪🤪
        He’s very sweet and kind 😍 Just like his mom 😍
        Yes, what a life when we’re teenagers 🤪 It seemed everything a struggle…we did not know how is to be adult 🤪

        • Jessica E. Larsen

          Ah… you’re spoiling me Ribby 💞
          But, wow… now I feel guilty calling my new wake up hair messy. 😔 If it’s a comfort I used to envy my cousin’s hair. We did argue a lot who got the nicest hair because I wanted hers, and I feel like she was insulting me. She looks good with frizzy hair. 😄

          • popsiclesociety

            Hahaha…I think we always want what we don’t have 🤪 If I would have straight hair I would want it curly, if I would have it curly I would want it straight….at least this is me 🤪 But for now I really envy straight hair…you know, people are made for the environment they live…here all have straight hair and is perfect for the weather, here is always hot and they don’t sweat….that’s pretty amazing 😉

          • Jessica E. Larsen

            hahaha 😀 True! We always seem to aim for the opposite haha 😀
            I’m struggling to sweat too it’s one of the reason I always faint back in the Philippines.🥵

    • Jessica E. Larsen

      I think this post was inspired by a post I read from you long time ago I just didn’t feel inspired to complete it until my 3 year old gifted me the flower 😄

  • Simon

    ha ha ha😂😂😂 You have a very good time passing activity, if I was there, I’ll pluck it all and say damn she loves me, who the hell is this flower to tell me she is or she is not 😄😄😄 I hardly had patience during my teenage, now it’s different, like what? I have a patience to complete plucking all petals from one flower, and then 😉😜I lose patience again 😂😂 Something’s Never change 😅😄

    • Jessica E. Larsen

      I don’t consider it a good way to pass time anymore because my gosh, I was cruel to the flowers. As you said how can flower tell me if someone loves me back. I’m imagining alien pulling my hair strand one at a time because of game 🥺😢

  • Dracul Van Helsing

    Wow, it took me up until this point in life -and by reading your blog- that I found out that a daisy flower and chamomile are one and the same thing.

    I did not know that.

    When I got my email notification that you had posted and they mentioned the first two sentences of the post in the email, I was going to ask you, is that the same flower from which they make chamomile tea?

    Then when you started talking about plucking petals and going “Loves me, loves me not”, I was thinking, “Hey that’s what we used to do with daisy flowers in Canada when we were school kids.”

    Then I took another look at the picture and thought, “Hey, that flower looks like a daisy.”

    Then when I re-read the post a second time and you talked about daisy flower and the chamomile family, I made the Sherlock Holmesian deduction that daisy flower and chamomile must be one and the same thing.

    I did not know that until now.

    I guess one really does discover something new every day.

    I just did.

    • Jessica E. Larsen

      My head spin in your comment. 😄 I had to do a quick math and even think if they are in the same family because we don’t make daisy tea haha… but you’re right. They are. Margarita is my biggest victims though 😁

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