Writer's Rambling

"Writer's Rambling" is the category where I document my writer's journey and share thoughts about the writing world. And occasionally, I'll also include some personal stories.

  • I write like who?

    Thanks to Jim Borden for introducing me to this app called “I Write Like” I don’t like comparing myself to other writers, but curiosity wins me over. Even if it’s…

  • Can’t buy me love

    I remember when my husband was wooing me, everyone (especially my family) keeps pushing me to accept him. Saying things like “okay so he’s a lot older, but look, he’s…

  • You dare

    How dare you kick me when I’m downOne day when I get to the topI’ll stomp on you with the force of an elephantI’ll make sure you regret your arrogance.

  • Be unique. Be You

    be unique, be you

    What’s the point of following everyone’s path if it doesn’t lead to your happiness. Be unique. Be You.

  • Devil in Disguise

    Devil in Disguise is the first English book I wrote. And for a while it embarrassed me. But if I learned something over 5 years of writing, that is to…

  • [repost] Skates are Fiction

    Back in the early '90s where people in the west goes around with cellphones in hand, me and my brother thought roller skates was fiction.

  • Wish me luck!

    Monday… ugh 😔… yeah, yours truly isn’t very motivating today. In fact, no Monday music yesterday because I’m too blue. Life sucks. I have made no progress with the book…

  • Wednesday Writing

    If photographer, picture artist…okay let’s include everyone (myself occasionally) have wordless Wednesday, I’m going to use Wednesday for my writing. AKA: Shameless promotion 😅 YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! Okay let’s get…

  • Love Hurts

    If you don’t want to love because it might hurt, or always wonder how to love without getting hurt, then the most honest answer is that there’s no way to…

  • Blogging is dead

    The words “blogging is dead” hit me after reading Accidental Blogger‘s post about missing his old blogging friends. It’s a word I’ve read in an article years ago. As I…

  • A “very” short post

    I’ve recently been suck into the vortex of social media *cough* Instagram and lost my sight of blogging. The thought of blogging feels heavy and tedious, but all it takes…

  • Micro Moments: Secondhand dream

    Unlike my husband who dreams distorted unexplainable situation, I could dream about a lifetime and write a book about it. (Haven’t tried it yet. But I will soon) But one…