• Behind the Author: Interview

    Hey guys! I forgot to share this when it was new but Mathew from Blog of the Wolf Boy, interviewed me exactly a year ago today. It was an interview…

  • Music Inspired: Under the Mask

    Anywhere he goes, people step aside. Parting like an ocean giving way to the king. Except he’s not treated with kindness. Because he’s always covered in cut and bruises. “They…

  • I’m Spamming you!

    Yes, according to WordPress Akismet bot, I’m a spammer. They’d they personally told me? No. How’d I know? Simple. I’ve got a minimum of 7 bloggers who found my comments…

  • Are you afraid to die?

    In respond to Ashok’s post of Life, Death and Corona I thought I’ll share my opinion here in my blog too… I agree with the post. I love what’s written…

  • Music Inspired: Something More

    I have no idea if he ever felt the same, but at some point, I’ve grown out from being a childhood friend into wanting something more. Something tender, something forbidden. …

  • Smile Sunday

    Yesterday’s post was too heavy for the heart, so let’s get some detox with this fun poem which Ribana (whom I prefer to call Ribby) posted in her Fun Friday…

  • True cruelty

    Silent tears

    While searching Goodreads for a book I’ve read and wanted to read: Silent Tears I bumped into another book with a similar title, Cry Silent Tears. Just from the blurb…

  • I write like who?

    Thanks to Jim Borden for introducing me to this app called “I Write Like” I don’t like comparing myself to other writers, but curiosity wins me over. Even if it’s…

  • Music Inspired: Te Quiero

    Te Quiero - short story fiction

    A mere stripper such as myself is just a little better than a prostitute. I take that back. People don’t see a difference between me and prostitutes. I’m used to…

  • New day, new website, big changes

    Nearly everyone do a spring cleaning at their homes. I’ve been planning to change my site for a while but hadn’t really put it to action, and so here is…