• Borrow The Lyrics

    It took me a while to decide what to say and write for this exciting challenge, which Simon from Pen On Website nominated me and kindly exempt from his one…

  • I’m “pretty dumb” or damn?

    Monday Music

    When it comes to entertainment; movies, music, books or anything I love to do to relax, I don’t like holding back my opinions. There are things that you simply must…

  • Love Don’t Cost a Thing

    Love Don’t Cost a Thing by Jennifer Lopez is one of my most favorite. Not only for the lyrics but also because the music video rock! I love how she…

  • Film Friday review


    It’s crazy how I end up watching Cinderella in different version despite my unfavorable opinion of her. Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella (1997) lured me into watching it because of my…

  • Out to camp

    There’s an expression in the Philippines, which probably is the same in English or another language, it goes like “Bakit ka pa kumuha ng bato na ipupokpok sa ulo?” (Why…

  • Silent Tears

    I never felt my heart tore apart by a book as much as now. Silent Tears was a well-written book but I couldn’t bring myself to read more than chapter…

  • What strange milestone

    I missed the posting window for my previous milestones, 50 followers, 100 followers, 10, 20, 50, 100, 1000 likes. So I was kind of waiting for what kind of milestone…

  • Lying is an art

    art of lying

    I hate how I’m easily distracted. Sometimes when I’m searching for material for my #WIP (work-in-progress) I end all over the nett far from where I started. Today, I was…

  • Stop reading what you hate!


    I LOVE READING BOOKS! I will be blogging a lot of book reviews and bookish stuff if I let myself go crazy, but I know that this will also drive…