Blogging,  Micro-Fictions

Borrow The Lyrics

It took me a while to decide what to say and write for this exciting challenge, which Simon from Pen On Website nominated me and kindly exempt from his one rule ( THANKS ) because I’m not into Selena Gomez song…

Shut it hardcore Selena fans.

I’m her fan too, but her as an actress. I have every right to dislike her songs just as I respect you for loving her music.

The one I’ll be sharing is “True Color” by Cyndi Lauper. Many may not know it because this song is 33 years old. Almost old as me.

😒 yes, I passed 30 so give it a rest!

Here’s a part of the lyrics that I like the most:

Its hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don’t be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow

Here’s a my micro-fiction inspired from the song: “Under the Mask”

Anywhere he goes, people steps aside. Parting like an ocean giving way to the king. Except he’s not treated with kindness. Because he’s always cover in cut and bruises.

“They should put that delinquent to jail,” said one of the woman to her friend.

“Yes, he give this neighborhood a bad name.”

Yeah, just like that everyone judge him, they hates how he wore those signs of beating like a badge, annoyed that he still walks with head held up high. The moment he see me, he smiled. 

I greeted him with a hug and let him buried his face on the crook of my neck. I caressed his back.

His shoulder trembled. “I want to do so much. I feel so powerless.”

“You take the beating for your younger sister, and I think that’s a brave thing.”

“One day, I’ll give her the justice she deserves. I’ll make everyone see what a monster they are.”

In the meantime, he’s sacrificing himself. This boy that everyone think is a devil, is an angel in disguise. And no matter what they say, I’ll be here for him because only I know the real him, this strong but fragile man that will forever be ruling my heart.

Rules (as copied from the creator):

  1. You need to choose a verse from a song and use it in an original poem or story.
  2. You must include the name of the song and the singer at the end or beginning.
  3. You need to challenge someone else and invent ONE rule they need to follow.
  4. You must credit the person who started this challenge (a.k.a. PJ) and the person who challenged you.
  5. You must include the rules of this challenge.

I’m challenging this bloggers:

My one rule? Choose any inspirational songs before 1995.

Thanks for reading!

Jessica / Jessie Winterspring is a time travel romance fanatic who loves writing fiction about ordinary people with extraordinary experiences. She blogs music inspired stories, poems, micro-fictions, moments in life. She enjoy spending time outdoors, adore animals and traveling with her family. She like anything unusual and fun. CLICK HERE to read more about her or CLICK HERE to view her books


  • Simon Nisha

    Hey Jessica ✨Ha ha ha😂! No problem on breaking rule. But i’m a fan of singer and actress Selena😉. You 30+, So join the club, i crossed 30 too😁. So Cyndi Lauper’s song is lovely🥰. Thanks for her Video a beautiful melody. Your version is a short story with hidden content, Soo good ( But i’ve some questions on my mind now, Let it be mystery🤔). Well written✨✍️👏. Love that cute cat. Congrats for the nominees! Thank you so much for you time⏳ and making this one more interesting to read. Have a Good Day! ✨

    • Jessica E. Larsen

      Thank you so much Simon… but let’s not discuss how far over thirty shall we? 😂
      Glad you liked the song. It’s one of my favorite from Cyndi.
      I’m not good at mystery. Come on out with it! 😅
      Have a great day too.

      • Simon Nisha

        Why should I, when we are young forever😉 Ok, Coming out of mystersy , Thud! oops i fell again😂, Im out now👍✨ Thanks for your time Jessica ✨🤗

        • Jessica E. Larsen

          Simon! You’re cheating! Get back here and answer! I’ll hunt you down in your blog I swear! 😂

  • popsiclesociety

    Wonderful song! Oh, these angels, always sacrificing themself 💕 And people are as usual immediately there to judge! Judging I think it became the favorite thing to do in nowadays people’s life!
    Well done Jessica! Wonderful story!

    • Jessica E. Larsen

      Thank you so much Ribby. Your comment meant a lot to me. I’m no angel, actually I’m closer to devil when angered 😄 but I have been judge way too much, which is probably why this story comes to me easily.

  • Huguette

    I loved the song as I loved the story so much ! We are so quick to judge the appearances and people with scars, not knowing that an angel can be laying behind all these bruises! Amazing story and message 💕 and congratulations for this original challenge 😊

    • Jessica E. Larsen

      Thanks Hug! It seems like this post isn’t very popular though haha 😀 Maybe because I come on hard at the start.

      Your feedback just made my day though. I’m so happy you love it. 💗

      • Huguette

        well some people like to shop up on short posts or awards posts to say congratulations (as if I get married or something 😁) but this post is interesting, I also did it and you did great <3

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