Jessica / Jessie Winterspring is a time travel romance fanatic who loves writing fiction about ordinary people with extraordinary experiences. She blogs music inspired stories, poems, micro-fictions, moments in life. She enjoy spending time outdoors, adore animals and traveling with her family. She like anything unusual and fun. CLICK HERE to read more about her or CLICK HERE to view her books

  • Goodbye September

    Another month has gone, next let’s welcome another one. Last month, I got a blast from the past. An ex-boyfriend whom I shared the most emotional moments back in my…

  • Sharing the love #3

    Whether you love or hate Autumn, I’m sure you agree that it’s a beautiful season. There’s something to love at every season and this season is special because of the…

  • F4 – Forever

    I admit. I only I understand a few words of what they’re singing but I love this song. Not only because I personally think they are (the original) and the…

  • A writer’s struggle

    Often I will search for info about sickness or recipes for my book or blog post…before I know it, it’s 2 hours later and I’m half-way done watching a 1/2…

  • No Comment

    It’s 7 am and I’m up! And I had a night sleep! OH MY GOD! Unbelievable. 😂 Ok. Enough inside jokes. I haven’t blog much lately so my reading list…

  • Go ahead, ignore me. Shoo!

    I don’t participate in follow for follow (especially with blogging) but I usually follow back anyone who got a couple of contents that seem interesting to me. Whenever someone comments…

  • So what’s up?

    Sewing! Yes, I decided to go back to sewing clothes, and yeah my son is wearing my newest creation. The shirt and the short is a recreated version from his…

  • I’ll be out for a bit…

    about jessica e larsen

    You might have notice my inactivity lately. I’m doing fine. But I’m busy with life and won’t be much around the rest of the week. On the news, I’ve rewritten…

  • Remembering the fun times

    The last few days suck. So I browse through photos to travel down the memory lane, and here’s a photo of 34-year-old me and my 2-year-old son. March 2019. He’s…

  • Moonlight Shadow

    When the night is darkBut the moon is brightEverything feels rightBecause you’re holding my hand at the shadow of the moonlight  The song below was inspire by my poem… 😒 Joke!…