Jessica / Jessie Winterspring is a time travel romance fanatic who loves writing fiction about ordinary people with extraordinary experiences. She blogs music inspired stories, poems, micro-fictions, moments in life. She enjoy spending time outdoors, adore animals and traveling with her family. She like anything unusual and fun. CLICK HERE to read more about her or CLICK HERE to view her books

  • Post by mistake

    When your scheduled post messed up and it’s too late to change it because people already started liking and commenting, what’s your reaction? Mine? Cuddle for treats, a short poem,…

  • Third Teaser’s a charm!

    It’s only 7 days left of NaNoWriMo and I’m far behind but I’ll keep going. By the way, In Another Time is narrated in two POVs. 3rd and 1st POV…

  • Silent Sunday

    silent sunday poem

    When I’m with you, I get lost in the moment every time You may not know it but As we say goodbye I count the hours Wishing for the time…

  • Never give up!

    I first shared this post last year, but I feel like when new problematic issues going around I’m sure there are people out there are far from happy. SO here’s…

  • Another Teaser

    More NaNoWriMo update! Today I’m here to share another tidbit of this time travel romance story. In Another Time. “Wait, abuela!” Leonardo said. He raise both hands up in surrender,…

  • When love walked in

    For the first time, I decided to collect a Youtube playlist for a novel I’m currently writing “In Another Time” And one of these songs was Love Walked In by…

  • Just Like Heaven

    just like heaven movie review

    Love will bring you back. The power of love is strong in this movie folks. Seriously my stomach hurts from laughing but my heart is warm. Summary: Elizabeth Masterson, a…

  • Live like hell

    Nanowrimo 2020

    I search my name today. Admit it, I bet you did it too, at least once? Nothing new comes up but I encountered a quote I’ve written for I don’t…

  • In Another Time Teaser

    It’s been one week since National Writing Month started. It’s fun, but I’m also feeling the heat. Damn hard to manage my blog, deal with an attention-craving four-year-old, daily stress…

  • Regrets

    Time heals, they say. It’s true, but some pain leaves a huge scar that hurts each time I see it. I’ve done so many things I regret in my life,…