Book Teasers,  Writer's Rambling

In Another Time Teaser

It’s been one week since National Writing Month started. It’s fun, but I’m also feeling the heat. Damn hard to manage my blog, deal with an attention-craving four-year-old, daily stress and keep up with minimum word counts per day (I’m lagging behind 😓)

But I’m here to share a little teaser of what I’ve written so far.

Chapter 1-excerpt

Celestina’s a beautiful ball of hair, was Leonardo’s first impression of her when he saw her black and white photo in his grandmother’s album.

Ella es una chica especial, (She’s one special girl) his grandmother used to say when he was a little boy. She said that Celestina was a mysterious girl everyone feared and admired when they were young.

He still remembered the first time he saw his grandmother flipped through her old album. She stopped at an old photograph with so much nostalgia on her face, it wasn’t a photo of her and his grandfather, but of herself together with a girl he immediately developed a crush with. The girl called Celestina got a long tight corkscrew curls framing her diamond face, reaching down past her shoulders.

His grandmother sighed. “She was special, misunderstood and the best friend anyone can dream off, but she vanished without a trace after saving me from the fire.”

“She burned?” he asked, his young mind excited at the action, at the heroism of someone sacrificing their life for his beloved grandmother.

His grandmother shook her head. Confusion all over her face. “No, she didn’t die, she vanished into the thin air right in front of my eyes,” she said waving her bony fingers as if it was happening right at that moment. “I’m sure it was because of her favorite heart bottle. That bottle was a curse.”

It was at this point Leonardo stop listening to her story.

Fantasía. Qué absurdo. But he was wrong.

Copyright © Jessica E. Larsen. All rights reserved.

Please like it if you did. Shares and feedbacks are much appreciated and I hope to see you again! ♡

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Jessica / Jessie Winterspring is a time travel romance fanatic who loves writing fiction about ordinary people with extraordinary experiences. She blogs music inspired stories, poems, micro-fictions, moments in life. She enjoy spending time outdoors, adore animals and traveling with her family. She like anything unusual and fun. CLICK HERE to read more about her or CLICK HERE to view her books


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